In web development, Reactivity refers to the ability of the web application’s interface to update dynamically in response to changes in its underlying data or state. In simpler terms, it’s how the different parts of the web application communicate and stay in sync with each other.

To elaborate, the state or the data that the web application uses to render the content is represented in a Model. The DOM or the Document Object Model represents the actual visual representation of this data on the web page. During changes or mutations to the data in the Model, Reactivity ensures that the changes are reflected in the DOM, updating the visual representation of the data in real-time.

This is achieved by using a reactive programming paradigm, where the data and the DOM are linked together, and any changes to the data automatically trigger updates to the DOM. Reactivity is an essential aspect of modern web development frameworks like React, Vue, and Angular, which make use of it to create highly responsive and interactive user interfaces.

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