Fitts’s Law is a UX principle stating that the time it takes to reach a target (like a button) depends on its size and distance. In simple terms: bigger and closer = easier to click.

Why It Matters

Ever struggled to tap a tiny “X” on a mobile ad? That’s bad UX. Fitts’s Law reminds designers to make interactive elements large enough and easily reachable for smooth navigation.

Where You See It

MacOS Dock: Icons grow when hovered over, making them easier to click.

Floating Action Buttons (FABs): Positioned within thumb reach on mobile apps.

Gaming UI: Action buttons are placed near the player’s natural hand position for quick reactions.

The AR/VR Angle

In AR/VR, Fitts’s Law is even more critical—users aren’t just clicking but reaching out in 3D space. Designing intuitive touchpoints ensures seamless interaction in immersive environments.

Hot Take: Small buttons are the enemy of usability. What’s one app that gets button placement right?

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