Hey there! I wanted to do this a few days ago but forgot how. After researching how to do it, I decided to post about it for future reference.

First, let’s discuss what BCC and CC mean.


CC simply means carbon copy. It is used to send copies of an email to other people. When you receive an email you were CCed in, you get to see other people who were also CCed.


BCC stands for blind carbon copy. It behaves just like CC. The only difference is that it doesn’t attach the list of people the email was BCCed to along with the email. So, as a recipient of a BCCed email, you get to see the message as if it was only sent to you.

Let’s dive into the process of adding blind carbon copy (bcc) and carbon copy (cc) recipients to HTML mailto links. Below is an example of a mailto link with the body and subject parameters included.

<a href="mailto:thewhitechild@outlook.com?subject=Awesome subject&body=Awesome body">Say Hi</a>

You might have guessed right how to add emails you want to Cc and Bcc. You do this by adding a cc and bcc parameter; the values of these parameters can either be an email or a list of emails separated by commas. Below is an example of how it looks

<a href="mailto:thewhitechild@outlook.com?subject=Awesome subject&body=Awesome body&cc=john@gmail.com,doe@gmail.com&bcc=bluesky@gmail.com">Say Hi</a>

Putting this in your HTML file, opening it in your browser, and then clicking on the link will open up your default email app with the subject, cc, bcc, and body prefilled with the link parameters values. Below is an example of how it would look

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is email-app-bcc-cc.png

Thanks for taking the time to read this article. I really hope it helped you understand the differences between CC and BCC in emails and how to include them in HTML email links.

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