You’re likely here because you’ve faced long, unmanageable Tailwind classes in your codebase.
Fortunately, there is a way to resolve this using Tailwind’s ‘@layer components’. While this is not a complete solution, it enhances the maintainability of your codebase.
The ‘@layer components’ feature lets you create and reuse custom components with Tailwind classes throughout your project.
Before this can work, make sure to include the ‘@tailwind components;’ directive in your CSS file.
@tailwind components;
After adding the directive, you can now use the ‘@layer components’ feature as demonstrated below.
@layer components {
.page-header {
@apply text-2xl font-bold text-gray-900
sm:text-3xl sm:font-extrabold sm:text-blue-800
md:text-4xl md:font-semibold md:text-green-800
lg:text-5xl lg:font-medium lg:text-red-800;
.page-paragraph {
@apply text-base text-gray-600
sm:text-lg sm:text-blue-700
md:text-xl md:text-green-700
lg:text-2xl lg:text-red-700;
Once the components have been defined, you can substitute their values for the component names in your HTML file, as shown in the example below.
Page Header
Page Paragraph
With the ‘@layer components’ feature, you can easily create various reusable components for use throughout your codebase. Changing the styles for a component only needs to be done in one place, and the styles will reflect throughout your codebase.